First day at work
Finally, after a long wait for my work authorization document to arrive. I started working at A2Z (subsidiary of on July 6th. It had been an exhausting day after all. The night before, I went to bed at around 2am and I had an appointment with the office manager at around 9:30, so I didn’t have much sleep. I had to take MUNI #1 California from California and Arguello to Sansome and Clay which is where the office locates. The bus ride was fine; it took about 30-35 mins to be there, but since it’s in the morning, the bus is a bit full.
After I arrived at the office, I had to do tons and tons of paperwork, getting my employee card and all of those stuff. I was introduced to the office and people in the office. I must admit that I don’t remember everybody’s name, but I’ll try. After that, I had 2 meetings with my team colleagues about what I’m going to do. After that, I didn’t really have anything substantial to do except setting up my workstation and reading the intro documents. I also have to read through the existing code, but I found that the code is very clean and very easy to read.
After the long day, I was very tried and ready to go home. I thought I wouldn’t leave until my colleague left first, so I waited until 7pm and left the building. I then went to get some Pho restaurant near my house and that ended my long first day of work.