"Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare." -Cicero
Where am i
San Francisco, CA
What I speak
English, Thai, Chinese (just a bit)
My name is Paween Itthipalkul, also known as Frank. I'm a software engineer focusing my work on mobile application software. Originally from Thailand, I've been living in San Francisco since 2006.
I got a Computer Science degree with a minor in Chinese Studies from the University of San Francisco. I worked on Amazon Music mobile apps on both Android and iOS for 5 and a half years. I'm currently a software engineer at Google working on an Google Voice. My resume can be downloaded here.
You can get to know me a bit more by following me on Twitter at @thfranksf, connect with me on my LinkedIn, or following some of my work at Github.